Meet Bre

Hi! My name is Bre! Yes, my beautiful coat is as soft and fluffy as it looks. I am a tad bit mellow with my puppy personality but I really love to play with my sister~ She’s more feisty than I! I love my foster pack so much, I like to try to get them to play by razzin’ them once in a while. I super love all of the fun cool toys here at my foster mom’s! I have a weakness though…my belly is super ticklish~ Belly rubs sure are the best!!! I also love to hang outside and lay in the grass on these pretty days and run around the yard with my whole foster pack. I’m still working on being in the crate…(I do better than my sister does but don’t tell her that)! I potty outside as much as I can and my foster mommy gets really excited and claps her hands to tell me what a good girl I am. I am looking for my forever family. A family that has the time, commitment and energy to keep up with my puppiness and teach me how to be the best mannered doggo I will grow up to be! Also, my foster mommy tells me my eyes are quite striking, so she tries not to stare into them. I think that’s her weakness!