Meet Dahlia

Have you ever wished you could have a puppy as soft and sweet and fluffy as cotton candy? Well, here she is! We would like to introduce you to Dahlia. She is an 8-week young Maltipoo. She is spunky, funny, silly and energetic. She hits the highest mark on the cute-ometer! Dahlia is everything you would want in a smaller breed. Not only does she love to play chase, tug-o-war, and tackle tennis balls…. (the BIG ones), she loves to snuggle, and cuddle and give you the sweetest puppy kisses. She would be a certain delight for anyone who needs a joyful, curious lil’ floof in their life! Are you the perfect person or family for this sweet lil’ tuft of cotton candy? She will be the carmel apple of your eye and love, love, love you furever!