Meet Dottie

The lovely Miss Dottie is about a 1 yr old and was given up by her owners because she accidently got pregnant. Barely a baby herself she was a wonderful loving Mom and her beautiful babies have all gone off to loving homes of their own. Dottie is one of those not so common Cap & Saddle pattern kitties with black fur over the top of her petite head, elegant white shoulders, and a glossy black patch on her lower back. While Miss Dottie lives with cats, dogs and children and enjoys cuddling and playing with them and her toys she has an independence which makes her just as happy to spend time by herself in a sunny spot. Dottie can be a chatty girl and considering the adventure her young life has been would love a home of her own where it is her turn to be the baby to be cuddled and she promises to tell you over and over how grateful she is for the rest of her life.