Meet Meatball

Hey my name is Meatball but my foster friends like to call me MeatLOAF because I’m the most solid and love-filled little dog you will ever meet! Just ask my tail…  When it gets excited to see you, it makes my whole body dance! It’s a good thing I have these big strong legs to keep me steady. 😆 They also help me keep up with you on walks and when playing with other dogs. My short body never slows me down!

I love, love, LOVE people and other dogs. I am learning more every day about how to know when it’s time to play and when it’s time to chill. That can be hard when you want to explore all these new things and show your love to everyone! They say it takes us shelter dogs a bit to settle into this amazing life of being loved and fed and comfortable inside. Things that help me calm down are getting ear and belly rubs, and just being outside with my favorite humans.

Does nature make you feel better too? Do you want a fun compact companion who can play hard and snuggle harder? Could you teach me the great skills I hear good forever dogs have? I think that would help me feel so safe and calm. I would never again have to be hungry or alone!