Meet Muffin

Hello, my name is Muffin, My foster mom likes to call me Mr. Muffins because she thinks it is cute. I am 9 years old and have had a rough year. My old owner passed away and I miss her very much, then myself and my cat friend Silver were all alone for a long time. People came by and would feed us and clean our litter boxes (Silver and I are great at using litter boxes), but we were alone. Once we were rescued, I was very scared and stayed under the couch for a long time. I am braver now and like to visit with people. I love to be pet and cuddled. Hair brushing is not one of my favorite thing but I do to make my humans happy. I don’t mind dogs if they don’t chase me. Kids are good too. I even live with a parrot and bunnies. I like bunnies because they have twitchy noses. One thing I have learned is that I don’t like other cats very much. I love my friend Silver, but other cats scare me and make me want to hide. I am a shy guy looking for a family for Silver and myself to call our own.


**Bonded with Silver